Federal Tax (0.00 %):
State Tax (0.00 %):
City Tax (0.00 %):
County Tax (0.00 %):
Special Tax (0.00 %):
Total (8.250 %):
Popular Subscription - Every 6 Weeks,We will clean 2 Bins Every 6 Weeks
How many additional bins ?,Additional number of Bins
One Time Cleaning,2 Bins One time Fee & Cleaning
How many additional bins ?,Additional Number of Bins
Quarterly,Quarterly Cleaning- 2 Bins
How many additional bins ?,Number of Additional Bins
Repeat Every Week
On The Month Of
Week of Month
Day of Week
You will pay $0.00
I/we understand that LONESTAR Bin Cleaners cannot clean any bins containing trash or that are not at the curb at the time of service and will result in service needing to be rescheduled. In addition, canceling a reoccurring service prior to 3 completed services and payments will result in a One-Time service fee charged to your account. Lastly, we will utilize text messaging, phone calls, and/or emails to get in touch with you regarding these services depending upon your preferences as selected above.
Thank you for signing up for Lonestar Bin Cleaners! We look forward to serving you.